Search Engine Marketing: Match Type

Hyojin Kim
2 min readNov 8, 2021

Broad match is a keyword match type used by search engines to identify which search keywords your adverts can match against. It’s named “broad” as it lets your ad fit the greatest possible range of keyword queries while yet being relatively linked to the keyword. When you include “glasses” as a comprehensive match keyword, for example, you’re telling Google Ads to attempt to show the ad for searches that include that or a similar phrase. For searches on “sunglasses,” “spectacles,” “computer glasses,” and “lab glasses,” the ad may appear. Broad matching keywords allow you to reach the most users.

Broad Match Modifier — This match type will show your advertising if the keywords are in the search query’s exact or near variation fory. You must put a ‘+’ symbol in front of your keyword to make it BMM. This is to indicate that the term must be included in the search query.For example, let’s say you want to get visitors from the following search terms:

● book a hotel in Bali

● affordable hotels in Bali

● and online hotel reservations in Bali for your holiday.

Phrase match is a keyword matching function that allows you to limit your ad to phrases that contain a phrase you choose. Google defines the phrase matching option as follows:

If you use quote marks around your keyword, such as “tennis shoes,” your ad will appear when someone searches for “basketball shoes” in that order, as well as maybe additional terms before or after it. For example, if someone searches for red tennis shoes but not basketball shoes, basketball shoes, or basketball sneakers, your ad may appear. A phrase Match is more specific than a broad match but not quite as precise as an exact match.

Exact-match keywords are also used in SEO to describe search results/content that match all of the terms in a search query entirely, precisely as typed. Exact-match keywords have long been a hot issue in SEO discussions, as they are significant for both natural and sponsored searches.

Exact-match keywords are derived from the Google AdWords keyword match type, allowing organizations to promote on exact-match searches.



Hyojin Kim

NYU Graduate Student , Digital Marketing Passionate